Regie Alam
UAVs in Precision Agriculture: Ottawa GoGeomatics & CRSS Christmas Party Dec 11th 2017
For the last social of 2017 GoGeomatics and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society are coming together again this year to…
Learn about UAVs at the Ottawa June Social
This is the last month for GoGeomatics Socials before we break for the summer, and in Ottawa we’re going out…
Ottawa’s Geospatial Leaders Gather for CGCRT Debate at GoGeomatics Social
GoGeomatics Canada was privileged to play host to Ottawa’s geospatial leaders on Friday night. (If you missed it, you’ll be…
Discussing the Proposed Pan-Canadian Geomatics Strategy at the University of Ottawa
On April 19th, the Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS) and GoGeomatics Canada got together with other members of the Ottawa…
Giving Thanks to Our Job/Event Posters, Sponsors and Article Contributors
GoGeomatics Canada would like to thank the following contributors, sponsors and companies/organizations for their support since the relaunch of our new…
Geomatics Impromptu Interviews Part I
During our GoGeomatics Canada website launch party in Ottawa, we encouraged our guests to have a chat about geomatics. Here,…
The Ottawa Tree Canopy Cover Mapping Project
The City of Ottawa Official Plan set a target of 30% tree canopy cover for the entire city. To the…
Measuring Tree Canopy Cover in an Urban Environment
To properly and effectively design and manage the city’s tree canopy it is important to quantify the amount and composition…