remote sensing
Anne Krahnen – Cartographer and GIS Specialist
GoGeomatics Canada recently had the pleasure of interviewing Anne Krahnen! Anne is a Cartography and Geomatics specialist and is currently…
Jean-François Dionne – Senior Geomatics Specialist at WESA Group Inc in Ottawa
The first GoGeomatics Canada interview for February is with Jean-François Dionne. He is the Senior Geomatics Specialist at WESA Group…
Dr. Robert ‘Bob’ Ryerson: A Canadian Geomatics Perspective on our Industry and Future
GoGeomatics has had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Robert ‘Bob’ Ryerson of KIM Geomatics Corporation. Along with his…
GoGeomatics GIS Day event – Free RADARSAT Receiving Station Tour
You are invited to the GoGeomatics GIS Day event – Free RADARSAT Receiving Station Tour If you would like to…
Great turnout at GoGeomatics October GIS & Jobs Event
This month’s GoGeomatics social meeting was held in conjunction with The National Capital GIS Group at the Clock Tower Brew…
Photogrammetry and Cartographic Specialist
GoGeomatics met with Jenn White a photogrammetry and cartographic specialist to talk about her job hunt and her career. Jenn has worked has worked for the federal government in Ottawa and for industry in the prairies.
Jenn attended the University of Manitoba, where she got a B.A. Advanced with a Major in Geography. In her second year of studies, she took a cartography course and it was from that course, that she became passionate about working with and creating maps. Find out more about Jenn White, a Photogrammetry and Cartographic specialist.
Geomatics Entrepreneur – Cardinalus Corporate Consulting
Check out our second interview in our new series on Geomatics Entrepreneurs. GoGeomatics had a chance to chat with with Dennis Nazarenko; President at Cardinalus Corporate Consulting in Ottawa and here is what he had to share …
Geomatics / DEM Specialist
Greg Druce, a Geomatics Specialist focusing on quality control of DEMs at MDA Corporation. Greg is new to the field, offering views on the attraction of geomatics and finding and developing a career through a nontraditional path. He agreed to discuss his job and career direction going forward.
Spatial Ecologist and GIS Manager
Ted Elliot of LGL Limited environmental research associates helps to better explain and define what a Spatial Ecologist and GIS Manager’s role could be. A key to LGL’s success has been the stability of the company, resulting in low staff turnover. Several staff members have been with LGL for 30 years or more. This experience enables LGL to complete assignments efficiently, on time, and within budget, and with a high degree of scientific competence.
Manager Software Engineering
Dan Eslinger of NavCom Technology Inc was kind enough to talk with GoGeomatics to help better explain and define what a Manager Software Engineering role could be.
Project Manager – LIDAR Surveying
Find out what a Project Manager role with a LIDAR data Acquisition company is like and how you could get yourself into the LIDAR survey business. A very exciting and dynamic role for young people to keep up to date with changing technology and also have a chance to see the world while getting paid to do it.