united nations

4 Most Popular GoGeomatics Articles of 2014

It’s that time again! Time to take a look back at the last year on the Magazine and see which…

A Breakdown of the NRCan 2014 Geomatics Country Report of Canada for the United Nations

Last year GoGeomatics brought our readers up to date on the 2012 country report from NRCan to the United Nations.…

NRCan Kicks off Geography Awareness Week

On Monday, November 17, GoGeomatics visited Natural Resources Canada for their kick-off to Geography Awareness Week 2014. Invitations were extended…

GeoConference 2014 – A Global Event in Old Quebec City

It’s been seven years since the last edition of this GeoConference, organized by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (Section Champlain),…

Dr. Sue Nichols Becomes Professor Emerita at University of New Brunswick

At the University of New Brunswick’s 185th Encaenia on 29 May 2014, GGE’s Dr. Sue Nichols was awarded the rank…

Fourth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on GGIM

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management set to clear the path for location based standards…

All the Geomatics Acronyms You Wanted to Know but were Too Afraid to Ask

Here in Canada, there are many geomatics acronyms that get tossed around. During the recent “Team Canada” event that the…

CARIS 2014 focuses on developing the Blue Economy

Fredericton, NB, Canada – CARIS successfully held its 15th international user group conference in Brest, France during the week of…

Carleton Researchers Receive Two of the Prestigious 2014 Killam Awards

Distinguished Carleton University researcher Fraser Taylor has received a coveted Killam Prize worth $100,000, the Canada Council for the Arts…

NRCan talks to the United Nations about Geomatics

At the end of last year, I came across what I think is an excellent synopsis of what NRCan and…

Pamela in Pakistan – Part 2 Canadian GIS Professional with the United Nations

GoGeomatics has received an update from Pamela in Pakistan!  She has returned safely to Canada and we are pleased to…

Pamela in Pakistan: Adventures of a Canadian GIS Professional Abroad

GoGeomatics member Pamela Williams is currently on assignment in Pakistan working with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of…