Gavin Schrock
Gavin Schrock, PLS is a surveyor, technology writer, consulting editor for GoGeomatics, and operator of a cooperative GNSS network (RTN). He has worked in surveying, mapping, data management, GNSS, and GIS for more than three decades in the civil, utility, defense, and mapping disciplines. He has published in these fields and has taught these subjects at local, state, national, and international conferences
Articles by Gavin Schrock
Factory Tour: Building a Future for Geomatics and Reality Capture
For more than a century, the Heerbrugg-Switzerland campus of Leica Geosystems has been a bastion of precision engineering and manufacturing.…
A Mini But Mighty GNSS Mapping Peripheral
Took a Bad Elf Flex Mini for a test drive. Had a lot of fun with this affordable, capable, and…
Great Geospatial Ideas – Pitched Fast! 2023 Calgary GoGeomatics Expo
There is an art to delivering a rapid and effective pitch; for your project, product, or paper. Participants in the…
Download GNSS Base Data Sooner Rather Than Later
Whether it is for mobile mapping, drone work, asset mapping or surveying static campaigns, taking steps early in the process…
Mining the Dark Data of CAD to Build Digital Twins
How an engineering software development firm tackled one of the key challenges facing CAD-to-GIS conversion intiatives. In theory, harvesting features…
Building a Geomatics Expo in Canada
2023 Going Digital Awards Finalists for Innovation in Infrastructure
Finalists for the 2023 awards have been announced, and it’s time to highlight a few of our “hot picks”… The…
Growing a Scanning Focused Business
Founded at a time when laser scanning was just catching on in the region, and with new scanning systems launched,…
Ready Surveyor One!
Surveying is not a game. However, a game-like virtual environment could be a valuable tool for training, site safety, planning,…
Test Driving the Zeno – GIS and Asset Mapping System
With three GNSS receiver/antenna options, field mapping software, 3rd party mapping software support, and survey-grade precision, this mapping system impressed.…
Bringing 3D to Outermost Nepal
The Research Mission The Nezar Temple has stood in the village of Bijer for over nine centuries and is among the…
A New Geomatics Expo for Canada and North America
The inaugural GoGeomatics Expo will be held in Calgary Canada November 6-8, 2023. There are plenty of amazing geo exhibitions…