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Geospatial College & University Scholarships, Grants and Awards Available 2019

Awards Available To Canadian Students in Geomatics: GIS, Surveying, Geography, Engineering, Remote Sensing, etc…

Editors note: If your institution gives awards or scholarships for students and is not listed here please get in touch using our contact form at the bottom of the page.  We will add it and get the word out.

Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) Awards

The Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship:

The Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship provides scholarships to students in the geomatics sciences at technical institutes and community colleges in Canada.

Students may apply prior to February 15th of each year as outlined in the Hans Klinkenberg Deed of Award. Two awards are presented annually. Awards range from $500 to $2,000. The Board of Trustees representing the Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship evaluates each submission received on the basis of scholastic achievement and various required documents.

CIG Student Award:

Each year, CIG offers a one-year membership award to a student in the geomatics-related program at technical institutes and community colleges throughout Canada.

The selection of the student is the prerogative of the academic institution. Individual schools, which offer programs in Geomatics, are advised of the award each spring. Students should contact the awards department of their educational institution to determine eligibility.

For more information on these awards please click here

GITA Scholarship Program

GITA’s professional education activities throughout the year generate funds which are used to award scholarships to deserving students. These scholarships are available from both GITA North America and its local chapters. A separate application must be completed for each program.

In addition to the formal scholarship programs, GITA North America and its chapters annually fund other educational and community building activities championed by respective Board of Directors. In recent years of these programs, GITA North America and its chapters have annually distributed as much as $30,000 in educational funding to students in North America.

For more information visit this page and click here

Canadian Remote Sensing Society Student Awards

National Best Master’s Thesis and Best Ph.D. Thesis:

The Canadian Remote Sensing Society issue a Student Award for the best thesis at the Master’s level and the best thesis at the Ph.D. level. The recipients of these Awards will receive a certificate and will be invited to present the results of their thesis at the following Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. He/she will receive $1000 from CRSS-SCT to support their travel to the symposium. Symposium registration will be complimentary.

CRSS Student Symposium Travel Grants:

Up to three (3) CRSS Symposium Travel Grants of $1000 each are available to students (B.Sc., M.Sc. or Ph.D. level) enrolled at a Canadian university or college to attend the Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing.

For More information please click here

BeSpatial / urisa Ontario 

$500 Student Bursary Offering!

Submission by April 5, 2019

Educational Contacts: View Letter  and Education Flyer with MApps

This is an great opportunity for students to be recognized in the field of GIS,  get name recognition and begin participating within the Ontario GIS and Information community.  There will be an opportunity at the BeSpatial event to display your Poster submission and speak with delegates about your project.

The submissions are reviewed by the Association’s Board of Directors and a winner is selected. The award is presented to the winner at the annual BeSpatial event. The top three submissions will be published on this web page (see below) and also be recognized in one of the association’s e-newsletters. The top ten submitters will be offered a complimentary student membership.

For more information please click here

ESRI Canada GIS Scholarship Program

Through a GIS Scholarships program, Esri Canada is proud to recognize Canadian post-secondary institutions that deliver strong, multidisciplinary GIS courses and programs. Students from 60 colleges and universities across the country are eligible for grants through this program. It provides recipients with great networking opportunities, funding and access to extensive GIS resources including Esri software, books and training to develop their GIS skills and knowledge.

Browse through the institutions that participate in the Esri Canada GIS Scholarship program to find out specific details, requirements, and deadlines related to each institution’s program.

Find the scholarship contact at your institution.
For general information, contact highered@esri.ca.

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