International Standards Summit and National Conference Itinerary For October 18-21, 2022
The International Standards Summit and National Conference, co-hosted by buildingSMART and Groupe BIM du Quebec, will take place October 18 to 21, 2022, in Montreal, Quebec. Here is what you can expect to enjoy when you attend.
October 18, 2022
After eight years, the international BIM community will return to North America to discuss international standards development, practices, and digital workflows. The opening speakers include:
- Patrick MacLeamy – buildingSMART International
- Richard Kelly, Director of Operations – buildingSMART International
- Bill Moore, Board Member – BuildingSMART Canada
- Martin Lafleur, General Manager – Quebec BIM Group
- Ian Howell, CEO – BuildingSMART International
- Remi Dornier, Vice President Architecture, Engineering and Construction –
- Dassault Systèmes
- Marek Suchocki, Senior Global Business Development Executive – Autodesk Inc.
A second presentation, “openBIM: Advancing Digital Workflows,” will have the following speakers:
- Léon van Berlo Technical Director – buildingSMART International
- Min Song, Senior AssociateSenior Associate – Strategic Building Innovation ·
- bimSCORE
- Rick Klooster, Founder and CTO – Future Insight
- Stijn van Schaijk, Procesmanager – DigiBase, DigitaalBouwen @VolkerWessels
- Jan Brouwer, 3d Data Specialist – DigiBase, DigitaalBouwen @VolkerWessels
- Frank Weiss, Senior Director New Products, BIM & Innovation – Oracle
- René Schumann, Managing Director – Hochtief ViCon
Participants will hear different perspectives as the speakers discuss the growth of digital workflows.
One of the main themes for the International Summit is, “Sustainability and the Circular Economy.” Participants will hear speakers discuss initiatives that support sustainability and resiliency, among various other strategies such as openBIM or digitalization..
The speakers are:
- Céline Bent, Compliance Director – buildingSMART International
- Frank Hovorka, Chair – buildingSMART France
- Trinidad Chardin-Segui, Chief Data Architect and BIM Influence – Schneider Electric
- Chris Pyke, Senior Vice President, Product – Arc Skoru
- Catherine Dubois, Sustainable Development Advisor – Société Québécoise des
- Infrastructures
- Jugal Makwana, Global Director – Digital Engineering – Royal Haskoning DHV
The final theme of the International Summit, “Global Perspectives: Strategies Driving International Activities,” will give an international overview of openBIM implementation, strategies and structure.
Speakers will be:
- Richard Kelly, Operations Director – buildingSMART International
- Casey Rutland, Founding Director –
- Adrian Wildenauer, Head of BIM Standards – Swiss Federal Railways SBB AG
- Will Sharp, Senior Vice President – HDR
To register:
October 19, 2022
On the second day, National Conference participants will be treated to “Open BIM for Infrastructure and Transportation.” The understanding that BIM is about more than just buildings is widely accepted, and in this presentation there will be updates on advances. Speakers for this topic include:
- Mike Bousliman, Chair Joint Subcommittee on Data Standardization – AASHTO
- Will Sharp, Senior Vice President – HDR
- George Lukes, State Standards and Design Engineer – Utah DOT
- Michael Kennerly, Chair AASHTO Joint Technical Committee on Electronic Engineering
- Standards – Iowa DOT
National Conference participants will also enjoy, “openBIM for Municipalities Across Canada,” where municipal initiatives supporting digital transformation throughout Canada will be discussed.
Speakers for this presentation are:
- Dan Franco, Projects Engineer, Major Projects Office – City of Kingston
- François Villeneuve, CAD Manager – Systra
- Ralph Kaminski, Chief Building Official – Town of Oakville
- Arash Shahi, Co-Founder & CEO – AECO Innovation Lab
- Justin Pockar, Manager, Customer Solutions and Business Registries at City of Calgary
- Pierrick Varnier, BIM Team Leader – City of Québec
There will be a presentation on “Enabling a national openBIM digital twin ecosystem.” It will focus on nationally deploying a digital twin ecosystem. The speakers for this presentation will be:
- Our speakers will be:
- Nicolas Arellano Risopatron, Research team lead – DBNCR
- Marc Goldman, Director – Architecture, Engineering & Construction Industry
- Solutions – Esri
- Francois Valois, VP Civil Infrastructure – Bentley
- Yannick Cotherel, BIM Development Manager – CERQUAL Qualitel Certification
To register:

It is now standard for large public works projects worldwide to be digitally twinned through all phases of design, construction ,and operations. Ezhou Huahu Airport
October 20 , 2022
The third day of the National Conference will learn about Digital Twins and their potential, principles, and synergies during a presentation called “Making Sense of openBIM and DIgital Twins.”
The keynote speaker is VDCO Tech President, Cindy Baldwin, and the other speakers include:
- Greg Schleusner, Principle, Director of Design Technology – HOK
- Cindy W.Baldwin, Présidente – VDCO Tech
- Vincent Keller, Responsable Ingénierie Numérique Rail – Egis
- Edouard Chabanier, Pilote de l’axe Standardisation du programme industriel BIM – SNCF
- Réseau
The National Conference, part of the International Summit, will also present “What is BIM and does it Matter?” This will cover BIM elements and the value it has for stakeholders.
Speakers include:
- Brent Mauti, Chief Technology Officer – Turner Fleischer Architects Inc.
- Carl Storms, Technical Solutions Lead – BIM Track
- Veljko Janjic, President – BEXEL
- Dominique Dubuc, President and founder, arch. MOAQ – Archidata
Another presentation will be made on this day as part of the International Summit, “openBIM and ISO 19650 in action.” It will be full of accounts of ISO 19650 and open BIM in use and discuss built asset information transformation among other things.
The speakers are:
- Claudia Cozzitorto, Director of Design Technologies – Diamond Schmitt Architects
- Victor Lima, BIM manager – Diamond Schmitt Architects
- Frank Hovorka, Chair – buildingSMART France
- Guersendre Nagy, Secretary General – buildingSMART France
- Lieu Dao, Innovation Manager, R&D and Special Projects – Pomerleau
- Sebastien Frenette, BIM director – Provencher_Roy
- Pierre-Olivier St-Jean, Building Consultant – Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Project – CISSS
- de la Montérégie-Ouest
The closing session will tie together the conference’s events and leave some take-away considerations.
The speakers are:
- Sheryl Staub-French, Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Dean of Equity,
- Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) – University of British Columbia (UBC)
- Arash Shahi, Co-Founder and CEO – AECO Innovation Lab
- Claudia Cozzitorto, Director of Design Technologies – Diamond Schmitt Architects
- Bill Moore, President – buildingSMART Canada
Register now:
Visit for more information: International Standards Summit and National Conference site