Starting a new year: Vancouver November and December Socials with pictures
A new year is about to begin. As December 31st gets closer, we at GoGeomatics Canada like to evaluate our achievements – and in evaluating our achievements, we like to take into account the attendance of our members at our socials and their immeasurable value in the Canadian geomatics community.
On November 6 and December 5, we hosted in Vancouver two GoGeomatics Socials, sponsored by McElhanney and TECTERRA, respectively, with major attendance records. These two socials conclude, for 2013, what GoGeomatics Canada had in mind when it started its Vancouver chapter in June.
What are our socials about? Simply put, they are free events that bring together and strengthen the geomatics community in Vancouver and several other Canadian cities in which GoGeomatics Canada has a chapter. We are a group of geomatics students, professionals and enthusiasts interested in professional and business opportunities in our industry and sector.
Our Vancouver group is composed of students, recent graduates, job seekers, and business-minded individuals. Our members are very much aware of the importance of having a solid professional network, and our socials enable them to network for free while having fun.
GoGeomatics Canada has a LinkedIn group with 2,355 members, a rapidly growing Facebook page, and several other social networking pages, such as Twitter and MeetUp, all of which are used to strengthen professional and business relations in the Canadian geomatics community, and help our members make the most out of their networking experience.
We at GoGeomatics Canada hope that 2013 was a special year for you, our members, as it was for us. Joy Leimanis and I (Anderson) would like to especially thank our Vancouver members for helping us establish a solid chapter in the city. We will continue working hard to make sure that 2014 exceeds your expectations in terms of networking and possibilities.
Enjoy the photos below of our November and December socials.