
Canadian Open Data Society offers Extension for Canadian Open Data Award Nominations

Answer the Canadian Open Data Society’s call for nominations with an extended deadline. The Canadian Open Data Society wants to…

Who reads the GoGeomatics Magazine & Weekly Canadian Newsletter? 88% of them are working “Geo” professionals

Despite our initial reputation as a geospatial job hunters magazine, GoGeomatics Canada has a much larger proportion of professional readers…


URISA BC – Engage: Make It So With GIS in Community Engagement

What: Engage: Make It So With GIS in Community Engagement Where: Vancouver, BC When: Thursday, 15 June 2017 from 8:00…

URISA BC: Vancouver Call for Presentations on GIS Trends in Community Engagement

Call for Presentations Following the success of our December event, the URISA BC Executive Team is busy planning our next…

Nominations for GIS Science Award: GIScience Study Group CAG – ACG

GIScience Excellence Award Offered and adjudicated by the GIScience Study Group  Annual nominations are due by midnight of 15 April…

Making is Connecting: the social meaning of creativity

I spent Christmas in Sydney, Cape Breton. While there, I had the time to read David Gauntlett’s book ‘Making is Connecting’.…

Interview with Ted Mackinnon: Promoting Canadian GIS & Geomatics on Twitter

GoGeomatics has been actively using Twitter to reach out to the geospatial community since 2009. We have written and hosted…

Call to Action: Network of Concerned Geographers

Our growing network – the Network of Concerned Geographers – is pressuring the American Association of Geographers to study and…

Literary Peregrinations: Geographers as Explorers

While I was reading Andrea Wulf’s “The Invention of Nature. Alexander von Humboldt’s New World”. I noted a comment on…

GoGeomatics Kelowna: September Success & October Social With Talk from Esri Canada

GoGeomatics Kelowna’s first Back-to-School September social was a huge success!    Among the attendees were a great group from Stantec, our…

GoGeomatics Canada Women

Day of Geography 2016

Monday, November 14, 2016 marks the third annual Day of Geography, presented by Geospatial Niagara, Canada’s contribution to Geography Awareness…

Canadian Institute of Geomatics Expands Executive Team with New VP Dr Brent Hall

Ottawa, August 16, 2016 – The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG), the largest and most influential geospatial knowledge network in…