Future of GIS
BCIT GIS Practicum or Project Sponsors Needed for 2023
With full BCIT GIS programs starting this September, BCIT is looking for sponsors, either companies or government agencies, to accept…
The Future of GIS Software? QGIS A Popular Open-Source GIS for the Masses
In today’s geomatics society, ArcGIS, developed by Esri, is a giant and dominates the GIS software market. However, there are…
Canadian Geomatics Innovation: Ecere Develops a Next Generation GIS
Not many companies undertake the ambitious goal of creating a new geospatial software suite from scratch. Ecere, a Canadian company…
Predicting the Future of the GIS in Canada
Editors note: This article has been jointly written by Bruce McCormack and Gordon Plunkett. Bios can be found at the…
The Future Of GIS Scripting? Designing A Functional GIS Using Simplified Coding
Suppose you could write yourself a working GIS at home, in a very simple language. Would you? In this…