
Original map by John Snow showing the clusters of cholera cases in the London epidemic of 1854

Looking Back at my First Year, GIS & Geographic Analysis at Ryerson University

After successfully completing my first year at Ryerson University in Toronto, I wanted to share some thoughts about my experiences.…

Photos of the March GoGeomatics Socials: Calgary, Ottawa & Toronto

The GoGeomatics Canada Socials in March were great events.  I was in Alberta for the launch of the Calgary GoGeomatics…

Geography Professor Stephen Swales at Ryerson University

I would like to welcome Professor Stephen Swales to the GoGeomatics community! Professor Swales teaches at Ryerson University in the…

Giving Thanks to Our Job/Event Posters, Sponsors and Article Contributors

GoGeomatics Canada would like to thank the following contributors, sponsors and companies/organizations for their support since the relaunch of our new…

The Best GIS Education in Canada

In 1960 Canada brought the first GIS to use.  We can thank Dr. Roger Tomlinson for this genesis. He called the…

Bob Ryerson: State of our Art – Canadian Geomatics Editorial

For the first editorial for the new Canadian web magazine for geomatics I have been asked to comment on where…

Inside TECTERRA’s Investing in Innovation Event!

Hello GIS, Geomatics, and Remote Sensing Friends! In February, I was given the opportunity to attend TECTERRA’s Investing in Innovation:…

Jessica Coleby – Research Analyst at InterStratics Consultants Inc.

GoGeomatics Canada had the privilege of interviewing Jessica Coleby, a Research Analyst at InterStractics.   GoGeomatics: Tell us a little…

Stephanie Murphy – GIS Analyst for the R.C.M.P

GoGeomatics Canada would like to welcome one of their editors, Stephanie Murphy. Stephanie graduated from Ryerson University with a Master…

Melanie Tranter – Land Use Specialist at NAV Canada

GoGeomatics Canada had the privilege of interviewing one of their very own editors, Melanie Tranter! GoGeomatics: We would like to begin by…

Dr. Robert ‘Bob’ Ryerson: A Canadian Geomatics Perspective on our Industry and Future

GoGeomatics has had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Robert ‘Bob’ Ryerson of KIM Geomatics Corporation.   Along with his…

43 Degrees North – Surveying and Mapping Solutions

GoGeomatics is continuing the exploration of careers in surveying by interviewing Thomas Hoppe, the founder of 43 Degrees North – Surveying and Mapping Solutions. 43 Degrees North is situated in Cobourg Ontario in picturesque Northumberland County along the north shore of Lake Ontario is a professional Land Surveying and Geomatics company in Ontario Canada. They provide a variety of geo-referenced solutions from boundary surveys, aerial photography ground support, pre-engineering surveys, construction layout, and survey training with an emphasis on GPS applications and technology