
Northern Canada: Nunavut and a New View of Community Mapping

The writer and his wife, Heather Stewart visited grandchildren in Iqaluit for three weeks in April During the first week…

NetCDF: a growing standard for encoding georeferenced data in binary form

Recently, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has announced an extension to the OGC CF-netCDF 3.0 encoding standard that specifies how…

Canadian Municipalities Unlock Their Data with Esri’s ArcGIS Open Data

TORONTO—April 25, 2016—Esri Canada today announced that more than 20 Canadian municipalities have adopted ArcGIS Open Data.  Esri’s cloud-based geographic…

Teledyne to Acquire CARIS

Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY) (“Teledyne”) and CARIS jointly announced that the CARIS business and its international affiliates (collectively, “CARIS”) have…

Innovative solutions for bathymetry at Oceanology International 2016

March 7, 2016 — Teledyne Optech is pleased to announce that it is taking its most powerful and flexible surveying…

Geography or Geomatics?

What is the Difference Between Geomatics and Geography?

There seems to be great confusion between these two great disciplines, especially noting that some geographers and schools claim that…

Optech Titan wins Grand Award and Award for Technology Innovation at MAPPS 2016

February 9, 2016 — Teledyne Optech is pleased to announce that its Optech Titan multispectral airborne lidar has won both…

Remembering Roger Tomlinson & Early History of GIS in Canada

It’s two years now since Roger Tomlinson passed away.  Roger’s and my career path have crossed several times over the…

CDOs: Pressing the Need for a Chief Data Officer

Information Communications and Technology (ICT) is just like a human body. There is hardware (the bones and organs) as well…

Latest model of Optech Lynx and results from Highways England at TRB 95th Annual Meeting

Teledyne Optech is pleased to announce that it will introduce the latest model of its Lynx mobile lidar system, the…

New results from Optech Titan field tests

New results from Optech Titan field tests at AGU Fall Meeting December 8, 2015 — Teledyne Optech is pleased to…

Web Framework for Flood Risk Assessment: Elevation Services and Simplified Flood Models

The development of infrastructure and dense urbanization along water courses and the increasing severity of storm events has brought to…