Alberta Geomatics Group – Update on “What is Geomatics?”
Over the past year, the Alberta Geomatics Group (AGG) has embarked on a journey to promote the use of the…
2014 Canadian Geomatics Events & Conferences
This is our list of Canadian geomatics conferences and events for 2014. Here you will find events pertaining to GIS,…
GoGeomatics Social Leader Profile: Aubrey Downie, Calgary
Aubrey Downie first became a part of the GoGeomatics community by being a regular at our socials in Ottawa. He…
Fish Weirs, Ktaronto & 13 Other Riparian Boundary Fallacies
By Dr. Brian Ballantyne Surveyor General Branch, NRCan Reprinted from the Ontario Professional Surveyor, Volume 56, No. 2, Spring 2013…
Canadian National Surveyors’ Conference 2013 from June 18-21
Are you excited about the upcoming National Surveyors’ Conference 2013 from June 18-21 in Niagara Falls? You should be! In…
Data and Systems at the Weather Network
In honour of International Women’s day on March 8th, GoGeomatics will feature interviews and articles by women about women in…
Cartographic Specialist or Applications Specialist: That Is The Question.
Well, at least for a post-grad GIS student… Having recently graduated from the University of Ottawa with a BA Honors…
Tracey Harvey: GIS Instructor, Selkirk College
GoGeomatics: Escaping the occupational hazards of wildland firefighting, Tracey is currently a GIS Instructor at Selkirk College. We would like…
Pamela in Pakistan – Part 2 Canadian GIS Professional with the United Nations
GoGeomatics has received an update from Pamela in Pakistan! She has returned safely to Canada and we are pleased to…
Pamela in Pakistan: Adventures of a Canadian GIS Professional Abroad
GoGeomatics member Pamela Williams is currently on assignment in Pakistan working with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of…