
Geography: Thinking About Walking Home

Walking Home is a book by Ken Greenberg on ‘the life and lessons of a city builder’. It describes the…

Global GIS Market to Grow Steadily at a CAGR of More Than 10% by 2020

Technavios market research analyst predicts the global GIS market to grow steadily at a CAGR of more than 10% by…

SaveTheMap Campaign: What is the future of geospatial information in India

SaveTheMap Campaign: “to encourage citizens and startups to use geospatial data in everyday lives and create businesses that serve India”…

Ted MacKinnon New President of The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS)

The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia is a small non profit professional organization in Nova Scotia that foster the application of geomatics…

#GISTRIBE Hashtag: The GIS Twitter Community

GoGeomatics recently had the opportunity to chat with Emily Garding, the founder of #GISTRIBE. Emily is a Wildlife Biologist who…

Northern Canada: Nunavut and a New View of Community Mapping

The writer and his wife, Heather Stewart visited grandchildren in Iqaluit for three weeks in April During the first week…

GIS Certification: Options and Discussion

There are many GIS and geomatics certification options available to Canadians.  They have been discussed in detail in previous articles. …

NetCDF: a growing standard for encoding georeferenced data in binary form

Recently, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has announced an extension to the OGC CF-netCDF 3.0 encoding standard that specifies how…

JMap provides instant access to all of the Canadian railway network’s geospatial data

K2 Geospatial, a leading geospatial software company and the editor of JMap, is pleased to announce the creation of the…

Canadian Municipalities Unlock Their Data with Esri’s ArcGIS Open Data

TORONTO—April 25, 2016—Esri Canada today announced that more than 20 Canadian municipalities have adopted ArcGIS Open Data.  Esri’s cloud-based geographic…

GoGeomatics Coming to Kelowna, BC

As a former Burnaby resident and fairly new to the field of GIS as a 2013 graduate of BCIT’s GIS…

Putting Map Making Back Into the Hands of the Community

On April 7th, I attended the community mapping showcase at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS). This project is…