Esri Canada Centres of Excellence App Challenge: The Competition Is on!
As most of us in Canada are just waking from our long hibernation, teams of students across the country have…
Speaker Series: GIS Disaster Response at January Toronto Social
It’s a brand new year of GoGeomatics socials across Canada, and we’ve got a great speaker lined up for Toronto…
GoGeomatics Asks about CCOG
The Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG) has been around for over 40 years. Despite that, many people in geomatics aren’t…
NRCan Kicks off Geography Awareness Week
On Monday, November 17, GoGeomatics visited Natural Resources Canada for their kick-off to Geography Awareness Week 2014. Invitations were extended…
Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs Selects Globalstar GPS Satellite Technology for Groomer Fleet Tracking
Globalstar SmartOne Data Modems Will Be Deployed Across OFSC’s Fleet of 360 Groomers to Provide Reliable Satellite-Based GPS Tracking and…
A Geomatics Sector that Spatially Enables a Geospatial Community – A Team Canada Perspective
by Ed Kennedy and Evert Kenk. Is there value in formalizing definitions for both the Geomatics Sector and Geospatial Community…
Harnessing the Power of Geospatial Information to Bolster Canada’s Health, Wealth and Security
GAC 2015 Supports the GIS Education Community Everything begins and ends with geospatial information. Now more than ever, GIS…
Fourth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on GGIM
The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management set to clear the path for location based standards…
exactEarth Proud to Join MEOPAR as New Industry Partner
Cambridge, ON – June 24, 2014– exactEarth Ltd., a leading provider of global maritime vessel data, is pleased to announce a…
MP Galipeau Inaugurates New State of-the-Art Satellite Station
GATINEAU, QUEBEC — 06/11/14 — Natural Resources Canada Royal Galipeau, Member of Parliament for Ottawa-Orleans, on behalf of the Honourable…
DMTI Spatial Partners with JBA Risk Management to Provide an Integrated Offering for Reducing Risk and Forecasting Exposure
New partnership provides insurers and financial institutions with enhanced real-time risk information DMTI Spatial Inc. (DMTI), Canada’s leading provider of…
Western Canada Marine Response Corporation Receives Award of Excellence for Integrating GIS into Its Emergency Response Planning
VICTORIA, Esri Canada User Conference –Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC) was presented with an Award of Excellence by Esri…