Ted MacKinnon New President of The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS)

The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia is a small non profit professional organization in Nova Scotia that foster the application of geomatics…

Building Bridges: GeoAlliance

On March 15-16th the GeoAlliance is hosting a strategy event in Calgary you can see here.  They are trying to bring together members…

A Shared Vision

Every year, a small team of Esri staff come to COGS to recruit new talent. As part of the interview…

CDOs: Pressing the Need for a Chief Data Officer

Information Communications and Technology (ICT) is just like a human body. There is hardware (the bones and organs) as well…

Story Mapping: Haida Gwaii

In my previous blog “Storytelling: Haida Gwaii,” I referenced the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia’s (GANS) mentoring program between myself…

GANS Mentorship Program Fostering Geospatially-Enabled Society

The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS) has been promoting the importance and value of the geomatics sector in Nova…

All the Geomatics Acronyms You Wanted to Know but were Too Afraid to Ask

Here in Canada, there are many geomatics acronyms that get tossed around. During the recent “Team Canada” event that the…

GANS Board Nominations, AGM & Workshop Announcement

Nominations for the 2014/15 GANS Board are now being accepted via Available positions include President, Vice President, and several Board of Directors.…

Halifax GoGeomatics Social Pictures / GANS & Future of Geomatics in Nova Scotia

GoGeomatics hosted one of their monthly social events in Halifax recently that coincided well with the Geomatics Association of Nova…

Canadian Geospatial Event: Geomatics Atlantic 2013 Recap

Geomatics Atlantic is a regional conference that switches between the Atlantic Provinces every year, allowing the different geomatics-related professional organizations…

The TECTERRA GoGeomatics Halifax Social: Another Succesful Event

Last night GoGeomatics launched the first monthly networking event in Halifax. All told we counted 25-26 people at the event.…

Updated 2013 Canadian Geomatics Conferences & Events: GIS, Remote Sensing, Surveying

We decided to update our list of events and conferences that might be of interest to the geomatics community for…