October 1st 2013 Canadian GoGeomatics MERX Report
Here is the October 1st 2013 GoGeomatics MERX Report. Login to see the contracts on MERX Laurentian Channel Ground-truthing Project…
Fish Weirs, Ktaronto & 13 Other Riparian Boundary Fallacies
By Dr. Brian Ballantyne Surveyor General Branch, NRCan Reprinted from the Ontario Professional Surveyor, Volume 56, No. 2, Spring 2013…
Geomatics to Geomantics
From my memory (which is, unfortunately, diming with each passing year) the word “geomatics”, defined as the automation of geography,…
Neil Thompson: Geospatial Intelligence & Canadian Military (Part 2)
This is the second part of the interview GoGeomatics Canada has done with Neil Thompson, the Managing partner of the…
Geospatial or Geomatics: The Headaches of Terminology in Canada
Great debates about the terms geomatics, geospatial, geoinformation and geoscience have occurred for decades. Additional terms like geoanalysis, geolocation, geocomputation…
Neil Thompson: Geospatial Intelligence & Canadian Military
GoGeomatics had the chance to interview Neil Thompson, the Managing partner of the WCGroup. Neil is also the former Director…
OSCAR-js is Open Source from CARIS
OSCAR-js ( an open source JavaScript Application Programming Interface (API) created by CARIS. The vision of the project is to…
Furthering Canada’s Geomatics Strategy: New Visions – New Direction – New Future
The recent publication of the ‘Canadian Geomatics Community Strategy “White Paper” and Scenarios’ has added another perspective toward furthering the development…
Updated 2013 Canadian Geomatics Conferences & Events: GIS, Remote Sensing, Surveying
We decided to update our list of events and conferences that might be of interest to the geomatics community for…
April 28th Ottawa GIS & Remote Sensing Career Seminar: Get a Job!
Location: Ottawa Main Library Basement Meeting Room (Go down the stairs after entering the library) Date: Sunday April 28th, 2012…
Amy Mui: High-Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Identifying Turtle Habitats
Amy Mui was not always in the geomatics industry. Beginning in wildlife biology, she now is a PhD candidate with…
Missed Opportunities in Canadian Geomatics: Lessons for the Future?
Jon Murphy knows how to ask some interesting questions – which is perhaps why I like reading what comes out…