Ten Years Later: Interview with Wendy MacIsaac one of Canada’s Top Surveyors
Ten years ago, GoGeomatics interviewed Wendy MacIsaac of Midwest Surveys Inc. in Calgary, Alberta, about her career and being a…
Nick Kellett to present research findings at GeoIgnite 2022
Examining three years of work to combat climate change Since he started appearing at the GeoIgnite conference in 2020, Nick…
M.A. or M.Sc. Opportunity – Environmental Assessment and Resource Mgt
M.A. or M.Sc. Graduate Research Opportunity Department of Geography and Planning University of Saskatchewan Opportunity: The Department of Geography…
A Canadian Geographer’s Notes from Nunavut
For the last five years, I have annually had the opportunity to spend time in Iqaluit, Canada’s fastest growing community in Canada’s fastest growing territory or province. On arrival, I check out the selection of new books at Arctic Ventures and the screening of new movies about the North. This year, there was the chance to see John Walker’s Passage and to buy a copy of Darrel Varga’s book of the same name in the Canadian Cinema series.
Student Passion for Geography and the Google Summer of Code
GoGeomatics has reached across the Atlantic to interview one of our new geospatial contributors in Europe. Join us as we…
Google Earth Engine – What is a Data Cube and Why Canadians Should Care
What is a data cube and how is it used for big data analytics? How does a data cube work…
Master’s Thesis Student Recruitment: Amphibious Housing in Vietnam
University of Waterloo searching Funded Master’s (MA or MES) research project Dr. Carrie Mitchell (UW-Planning) and Dr. Brent Doberstein (UW-Geography…
Free Satellite Imagery For You: Sentinel 1 & 2
Sentinel constellations and data products As the ENVISAT program is coming to an end, the European Space Agency has begun…
QGIS: Performing Viewshed Analysis on Archaeological Sites
In 1927 a Vancouver bylaw was enacted that limited the height of buildings to a maximum of six stories in…
My COGS GIS Education, Part II
In my first article, I introduced the how and why I chose to attend COGS from the fall of 2014…
March 2017 GoGeomatics Talks: Toronto, London, Peterborough, Halifax
GoGeomatics Canada has built a thriving geospatial community by creating networking opportunities for our participants. We achieve this by holding free informal…
Nominations for GIS Science Award: GIScience Study Group CAG – ACG
GIScience Excellence Award Offered and adjudicated by the GIScience Study Group Annual nominations are due by midnight of 15 April…