Your Map, Our Stage: Submit to the GeoIgnite 2025 Gallery in Ottawa
GeoIgnite is once again hosting the popular Map and Poster Gallery program, and we are inviting submissions from across Canada! Whether you’re a cartographer, part of an educational institution, a government department, or a student, we encourage you to share your high-quality maps and posters.
The initiative is in partnership with the Canadian Cartographic Association (CCA).
Why Participate?
This program is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work to the mapping community and the wider geospatial industry, and gain exposure at one of Canada’s leading geospatial events.
At the GoGeomatics Expo held in Calgary last November, we showcased some of the best maps and posters from across the country. We are excited to bring the top submissions from that event to Ottawa for GeoIgnite 2025.
How to Submit:
- Free to participate: There are no entry fees, and the program is totally non-competitive.
- Open to all: Submissions are welcome from individuals, organizations, educational institutions, departments, and private companies. If you’re a private entity, feel free to showcase an interesting project you’ve completed. However, please note that we will not accept posters that solely showcase sales materials.
- Quality matters: We’re looking for high-quality, visually striking maps and posters that highlight innovation, creativity, and geospatial knowledge.
- No size restrictions: Feel free to submit in any size, but note that we will not be returning the maps.
- Submission method: Please send us your maps and posters either by mail or bring them to the event yourself.
- Please note that attending GeoIgnite is not required to submit your work. Our goal is to raise awareness, promote the geospatial sector, and showcase the incredible contributions of the community.
The submissions will be showcased at GeoIgnite 2025 in Ottawa in May, and the best will be featured at the GoGeomatics Expo to be held in Calgary in November this year, offering creators valuable exposure to a high-level audience.
Submission Deadline:
Send your maps and posters by May 7 to the following address:
C/O Jonathan Murphy, GoGeomatics Canada
PO BOX #421 – 207 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2N2, Canada
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of the GeoIgnite 2025 experience!