Gavin Schrock
Gavin Schrock, PLS is a surveyor, technology writer, consulting editor for GoGeomatics, and operator of a cooperative GNSS network (RTN). He has worked in surveying, mapping, data management, GNSS, and GIS for more than three decades in the civil, utility, defense, and mapping disciplines. He has published in these fields and has taught these subjects at local, state, national, and international conferences
Articles by Gavin Schrock
Surveying Instruments – Building Trust Through Verification
Surveying instruments have evolved to provide reliable and repeatable precision and accuracy, but you cannot afford to eschew putting this…
A Universal Symbol for Surveying?
Would a universal symbol for surveying be practical and useful? Several candidate symbols may already exist. We see symbols and…
Non-GPS PNT – NextNav
Beacons of Hope for Positioning, Navigation and Timing Alternatives Whenever we hear people talk enthusiastically about 3D digital twins, real-time…
Alt PNT: Don’t Forget the Time
Exploring the esoteric world of precision timing by “following the White Rabbit”. By Gavin Schrock, PLS While most in the…
“Math for the Surveyor” by J.A. Coan – Free Book
A long-time surveying program instructor has authored a book on fundamental mathematics that every surveyor should know… and is offering…
Ultra-Wideband’s Edge for Indoor Navigation and Positioning
Can UWB technology yield sub-centimeter positions indoors? Yes, and there are many more applications as well. We examine this Alternate…
GIS Research Methods: A non-technical overview of the science and tools behind geographic information systems and geographic information science for researchers,…
The Ultimate Surveying and Mapping Project: Earth Archive
How would like to support, or even participate in what could become the most ambitious 3D surveying and mapping project…
Underground Utility Mapping by Air, Space, and AI
With all the buzz about investing in, expanding, and modernizing infrastructure, one key aspect seems to be almost universally overlooked:…
AEC Education Reboot
A new AEC education program, reimagines talent pipelines by acknowledging the dynamics of the industry and in how people learn,…
Why Does New GNSS Gear Seem So Great?
Some of the most profound gains in the performance of high-precision GNSS have come in just the past few years—no…
Progress in Addressing GPS/GNSS Vulnerabilities
An overreliance on GPS/GNSS for positioning, navigation and timing applications underscores key vulnerabilities. Defense, security, safety, commerce, and critical infrastructure…