GIS in Public Health: Kingston GoGeomatics Social Thursday, January 19
Free GIS & Public Health Talk in Kingston
Thursday, January 19, 2017 6:00 PM
Sir John A Public House
343 King Street E, Kingston, ON
Brian Mosley GISP is a GIS Analyst with KFL&A Public Health. He has worked both at the federal and municipal level focusing on public health in Canada. Brian will be presenting his talk as an overview of several project he’s done. Location allocation to identify ideal clinic locations, mapping Motor Vehicle collisions to identify dangerous roads and school access to tobacco retailers. Brian will give an overview of each project from a public health perspective and then talk about the GIS methodologies used to solve them.
Please RSVP to our Meetup Group in Kingston as well as to receive updates on future socials
The Kingston GoGeomatics Group meets each month to talk about GIS, remote sensing surveying, technology, education, training, jobs, and much much more! These socials are free, open to everyone from all areas of geomatics, and strive to connect people who share similar interests and pursuits in and around Kingston. Connecting people is the first step to building a strong community that provides opportunities to teach and learn from others, to share and hear stories, to be mentored and provide guidance, and to meet new people, to name just a few benefits. You will meet professionals, students, business owners, entrepreneurs, and recruiters at these events – you never know who might show up! We look forward to seeing you there!
Please RSVP to let us know you’re attending.
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