
Share your Maps & Data: Soar.Earth jazzes up free access to satellite content every day

Geared towards the general public, Soar.Earth presents an online platform that resembles a digital, free-of-charge atlas. Pooling in from crowd-sourced…

Southwest Nova Biosphere Reserve Interactive Science Atlas

Last week, I was forwarded a YouTube video produced by Ian Manning. [youtube] Ian works at the Applied Geomatics…

My COGS GIS Education, Part II

In my first article, I introduced the how and why I chose to attend COGS from the fall of 2014…

RAC launches online Canadian Rail Atlas

One hundred and fifty years after Confederation launched the idea of a railway that would unite the country, the Railway…

Literary Peregrinations: Geographers as Explorers

While I was reading Andrea Wulf’s “The Invention of Nature. Alexander von Humboldt’s New World”. I noted a comment on…

Countdown to Launch: DigitalGlobe’s WorldView-4 Earth Imaging Satellite

Final preparations are underway at Lockheed Martin to ship DigitalGlobe’s WorldView-4 earth imaging satellite to Vandenberg Air Force Base for…

JMap provides instant access to all of the Canadian railway network’s geospatial data

K2 Geospatial, a leading geospatial software company and the editor of JMap, is pleased to announce the creation of the…

A Shared Vision

Every year, a small team of Esri staff come to COGS to recruit new talent. As part of the interview…

East View Secures New Partnership Agreement with Valtus

MINNEAPOLIS – March 1, 2016 – East View Geospatial is excited to announce an agreement with Valtus Imagery Services, part of…

The Real Thing: Robert Maher Examines the Book “The Real Thing” by Briony Penn

Over Christmas, I had the opportunity to go ‘off island’. One of the pleasures of visiting Victoria, British Columbia is…