Deanna Sokoloski

GoGeomatics Community Manager Profile: Deanna Sokoloski, Ottawa

It’s with great pleasure that we share Deanna Sokoloski’s profile with the community. She has been working with us since…

A New Generation of Geomatics Leaders in Canada

The GoGeomatics Canada Group leaders are an integral and important part of the Canadian geomatics community.  These young men and…

The TECTERRA GoGeomatics Halifax Social: Another Succesful Event

Last night GoGeomatics launched the first monthly networking event in Halifax. All told we counted 25-26 people at the event.…

Canadian Women in Geomatics for International Women’s Day 2013 : March Segment

GoGeomatics Canada is pleased to announce our second annual segment in honour of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2013.…

March 8th, is International Women's Day GoGeomatics

International Women’s Day March 8th: Issues & Leadership in the Canadian Geomatics Community

GoGeomatics Canada is focusing on women in the Canadian geomatics community for March.  In honor of International Women’s day on…

GoGeomatics Canada

The First GoGeomatics Canada Newsletter

We have our first GoGeomatics Canada Newsletter.  With over 5,000 geomatics subscribers the whole team is excited to start communicating…

Giving Thanks to Our Job/Event Posters, Sponsors and Article Contributors

GoGeomatics Canada would like to thank the following contributors, sponsors and companies/organizations for their support since the relaunch of our new…

Pictures from the GoGeomatics Canada Launch Party in Ottawa

GoGeomatics Canada had a great event last night. We celebrated the launch of the new geomatics Job & Event board…

The Best GIS Education in Canada

In 1960 Canada brought the first GIS to use.  We can thank Dr. Roger Tomlinson for this genesis. He called the…