NRCan, GeoConnections, CGDI, & the Canadian Geomatics Round Table
GoGeomatics Canada got in touch with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) in order to ask them about all the most recent…
Amy Mui: High-Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Identifying Turtle Habitats
Amy Mui was not always in the geomatics industry. Beginning in wildlife biology, she now is a PhD candidate with…
Glenor Pitters: Co-Founder of DMTI Spatial
We are privileged to present Glenor Pitters to our readers, the co-founder of DMTI Spatial. We will be speaking with her…
Intergraph Geospatial 2013 Complimentary Seminars Demonstrate Power of Unified Portfolio
With more than 60 new products and product upgrades combined, including exciting new capabilities in GeoMedia and the ERDAS product…
Data acquisition is without a doubt one of the most important processes in the implementation of any GIS. As GIS…
Announcing Geospatial 2013 World Tour – United, Modern, Dynamic
For many years, organizations have struggled with using geospatial data effectively. This is a common problem faced by government agencies,…
Matthew Tait: The Business of Geomatics Engineering
In 2000, I was just finishing a two year stint living in Belgium working on modeling downstream facilities. Yes, we…
TECTERRA: Investing in Innovation Vancouver Feb 28, 2013
TECTERRA is coming to Vancouver! TECTERRA cordially invites you to explore new business opportunities in geomatics Please join us in…
Giving Thanks to Our Job/Event Posters, Sponsors and Article Contributors
GoGeomatics Canada would like to thank the following contributors, sponsors and companies/organizations for their support since the relaunch of our new…
Lynn Moorman: Finding the Way with Geo-Literacy
At first glance, navigating the world has never been easier. Getting from Point A to Point B is a snap;…
Extraterrestrial Geomatics: An interview with Dr. Nancy McKeown
I recently interviewed Dr. Nancy McKeown, who in 2010, gave a talk at the SETI Institute entitled: What Clays Can…
GIS in the School System
Fast forward to 2011. I was conducting research on latest trends in education re web 2.0; and, with my Intermediate/Secondary…