
Designing with Information: GIS with Dimension, Ease of Use & Visually Unique

Geomatics and other industries which desire data in accurate yet visually stimulating presentations of communication and information are frequently turning…

The Mapping & Analysis of Violent Injury in Canadian Cities

After experiencing another Toronto social event thanks to GoGeomatics Canada, I am reminded of how a night out can increase…

@GoGeomaticsPost – Twitter for Canadian Jobs & Events

Tweet tweet here we come..again! At GoGeomatics Canada, we love social media, and love to tweet to our followers. Of…

The Modern Metropolis & the Role of Geomatics: Toronto City Age Conference Review

On Thursday, May 16, 2013 and the following Friday in Toronto, I had the privilege of attending a conference on…

Original map by John Snow showing the clusters of cholera cases in the London epidemic of 1854

Looking Back at my First Year, GIS & Geographic Analysis at Ryerson University

After successfully completing my first year at Ryerson University in Toronto, I wanted to share some thoughts about my experiences.…

Updated 2013 Canadian Geomatics Conferences & Events: GIS, Remote Sensing, Surveying

We decided to update our list of events and conferences that might be of interest to the geomatics community for…

Photos of the March GoGeomatics Socials: Calgary, Ottawa & Toronto

The GoGeomatics Canada Socials in March were great events.  I was in Alberta for the launch of the Calgary GoGeomatics…

Amy Mui: High-Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Identifying Turtle Habitats

Amy Mui was not always in the geomatics industry. Beginning in wildlife biology, she now is a PhD candidate with…

Missed Opportunities in Canadian Geomatics: Lessons for the Future?

Jon Murphy knows how to ask some interesting questions – which is perhaps why I like reading what comes out…

Glenor Pitters: Co-Founder of DMTI Spatial

We are privileged to present Glenor Pitters to our readers, the co-founder of DMTI Spatial. We will be speaking with her…

Bonnie Lum: Trying to Find a GIS Job without a Map

I have always had an interest in maps.  Every time my family took a vacation, I was always the map…

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Calgary GoGeomatics Canada Social: March 6th 2013

GoGeomatics Canada is coming to Calgary.  GoGeomatics will be in Calgary from March 4th to March 8th.  GoGeomatics Canada is…