GoGeomatics Social
Looking Back at GoGeomatics Groups in 2015
When I started GoGeomatics Canada in 2011, I had no idea how successful it would become as a community. We…
Ottawa GoGeomatics Social Nov 25th: Mapping Historic Buildings in Ottawa
This months speaker will be discussing his project mapping historic Ottawa. Kevin Ballantyne, Geomatics Specialist at MDA, will be…
Andrew Goodwin Talks Environmental LiDAR Uses at Next Toronto Social
The Toronto GoGeomatics November Social is taking place November 6th, and we’ve got a great speaker lined up for the…
ESRI City Engine & DEM Art at Next Kingston GoGeomatics Social October 21
GoGeomatics Kingston first social night was great. We had a much bigger turn-out than expected for our first get together.…
GoGeomatics 2015 Back to School Socials: Over 350 Participants Coast to Coast
The 2nd annual GoGeomatics 2015 Back to School Socials have been a tremendous success. Last year we had 200 participants…
Geomatics Job Hunting Tools: ignore LinkedIn at your peril
In a previous article I talked about strategies for helping you to find geomatics jobs in Canada. All the way…
New GoGeomatics Networking Group in Kingston Ontario
GoGeomatics Canada would like to announce Kingston, Ontario has been added to our growing list of cross-country GoGeomatics Socials! GoGeomatics…
September: Join us for the 2015 GoGeomatics Back to School Socials
The 2nd Annual GoGeomatics Canada Back to School Socials are happening this September. To kick off the 2015 school year,…
Strategies for Young GIS & Geomatics Professionals: Getting Ahead At Work
You have landed your job in geomatics and you want to move ahead. Maybe you are interested in leading a…
Sponsor the 2nd Annual Back to School Social
Students may have just finished hanging up their backpacks for the summer, but here at GoGeomatics, we already have Back…
Learn about UAVs at the Ottawa June Social
This is the last month for GoGeomatics Socials before we break for the summer, and in Ottawa we’re going out…
The First Nelson GoGeomatics Social Was a Hit
The first ever Nelson GoGeomatics Social met on Tuesday, May 26, and we’re pleased to say that it was a…