
Ottawa GoGeomatics Social Nov 25th: Mapping Historic Buildings in Ottawa

This months speaker will be discussing his project mapping historic Ottawa.   Kevin Ballantyne, Geomatics Specialist at MDA, will be…

John Potter Recognized with Esri Canada’s Roger F. Tomlinson Lifetime Achievement Award

REGINA, Esri Canada User Conference – November 3, 2015 – Esri Canada today presented John Potter, a professional engineer who…

GIS: Adventures in Historical Mapping

This article focuses on the process of creating a very out-of-date map in GIS. Lots has gone on since I…

Elevation Web Services: Limitations and Prospects

Elevation Web Services: Limitations and Prospects Elevation data is necessary for a wide range of geospatial applications such as creating…

Cumberland County, Maine USA

Interview: Canadian Cartographer in Australia

GoGeomatics has reached all the way across the world to Australia to interview our next guest. Today we have a discussion with Jennifer Johnston whom has taken the time to talk about some of her Cartography experiences and what she thinks about the Geomatics industry.

Dr Robert Maher on Geoliteracy: ‘Think global, act local’

This month (October) Digital Earth 2015 (DE2015) was held in Halifax. There were a number of keynote presentations, including those…

DEM World

ESRI City Engine & DEM Art at Next Kingston GoGeomatics Social October 21

GoGeomatics Kingston first social night was great. We had a much bigger turn-out than expected for our first get together.…

Calgary 2015 GoGeomatics Social

GoGeomatics 2015 Back to School Socials: Over 350 Participants Coast to Coast

The 2nd annual GoGeomatics 2015 Back to School Socials have been a tremendous success.  Last year we had 200 participants…

Beyond the Outer Shores

For over fifty years, the islands off the coast of British Columbia and Alaska have been called ‘the outer shores’.…

Thanks to the Sponsors of 2015 GoGeomatics Back to School Socials

GoGeomatics Canada thanks our sponsors of the 2015 Back To School  Socials that are happening across Canada this month (Dates…

Geomatics Job Hunting Tools: ignore LinkedIn at your peril

In a previous article I talked about strategies for helping you to find geomatics jobs in Canada.  All the way…

A Canadian Perspective: Idiots who use Drones

In the past few months there have been quite a few articles that have shown UAV’s or drones in a…